iCAN is a groundbreaking Finnish Research Flagship dedicated to solving the cancer challenge through cutting-edge discovery and innovation. The flagship is at the interface of precision cancer medicine and digital health, with the aim of advancing research and providing innovative solutions to tackle cancer.
iCAN News
Meet Mariike Kuijjer, Associate Professor in Cancer Data Science
Mariike Kuijjer, PhD, started as the Associate Professor in Cancer Data Science at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki…
iCAN science seminar on Reverse translation towards understanding biological heterogeneity of lymphomas with Prof. Jessica Okosun
Warm welcome to the iCAN science seminar, and to the public examination of Matias Autio with Prof. Jessica Okosun as the opponent on Fri,…
Potilasosallisuutta iCANissä vuonna 2024
In English Potilasosallisuus on suomenkieleen vakiintunut käännös englannin involvement-sanalle. Määritelmän mukaisesti potilasosallisuus on potilaiden kokemus aidosta osallistumisesta ja kuulluksi tulemisesta….
iCAN in Numbers
iCAN Study Participants
Company collaborations
iCAN Publications
External Funding