iCAN is a groundbreaking Finnish Research Flagship dedicated to solving the cancer challenge through cutting-edge discovery and innovation. The flagship is at the interface of precision cancer medicine and digital health, with the aim of advancing research and providing innovative solutions to tackle cancer.
iCAN News
Keuhkosyöpätietoisuuskuukauden potilas-tutkijatapaaminen
In short: iCAN organises a series of patient-researcher meet-ups in collaboration with patient organisations. To mark the lung cancer awareness…
iCAN science seminar on Bringing AI to aging-related diseases including cancer with Prof. Joachim L. Schultze
Prof. Dr. Joachim L. Schultze from Deutsches Zentrum für Neurodegenerative Erkrankungen (DZNE) will give a talk “Bringing AI to aging-related…
iCAN science seminar on Biology as a compass: multimodal profiling and treatment prediction in ovarian cancer with Dr. Francis Jacob
Dr. Francis Jacob from the University Hospital and University of Basel will give a talk “Biology as a compass: multimodal…
iCAN in Numbers
iCAN Study Participants
Company collaborations
iCAN Publications
External Funding