Event information and a photo of Dr. Fu

iCAN science seminar on Integrating computational models with experimental systems to study cancer with Dr. Xiao Fu

Welcome to the iCAN science seminar with Dr. Xiao Fu (Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute, Glasgow, UK) on Integrating computational models with experimental systems to study cancer.

When: Wed 2.4.2025 at 13:30-14:30
Where: Bridge Hospital, Seminar room 3, and on Zoom

Zoom-link (Meeting ID: 648 0498 6682 Passcode: 366409)

Host: Assistant Professor Heidi Haikala

If you wish to meet with Dr. Fu during his visit or are interested in joining a student lunch, please contact Heidi Haikala (heidi.haikala@helsinki.fi)

Xiao Fu is a Research Fellow and Junior Group Leader at the Cancer Research UK Scotland Institute, Glasgow, UK.

Xiao obtained a PhD in Biological Physics at the Indiana University Bloomington, USA in 2017. During his PhD research in Dr. James Glazier’s group, Xiao investigated the progression of diabetic retinopathy and liver toxicity through agent-based models and computer simulations.  

After completing his PhD, Xiao moved to the UK and worked at the Francis Crick Institute, in Dr. Paul Bates’s group and, subsequently, in Dr. Erik Sahai’s group. During his postdoctoral research from 2017 to 2023, Xiao focused on investigating patterns and principles of tumour evolution in the contexts of kidney and lung cancers through computational modelling, in close collaboration with clinician scientists and cancer cell biologists. His more recent work employed spatial data analysis and machine learning to understand the role of stroma in prostate cancer recurrence.  

In August 2023, Xiao started his research group as a Research Fellow and Junior Group Leader at the CRUK Scotland Institute (formerly known as the CRUK Beatson Institute; group webpage https://www.crukscotlandinstitute.ac.uk/cruk-si-research/cruk-si-research-groups/xiao-fu.html). His group is interested in developing diverse computational methods to investigate the organisational principles of the tumour microenvironment (TME) and mechanistic underpinnings of therapy resistance. 

Come early for a cup of coffee and pulla!

For more information on the science seminar series, please contact ican-comms@helsinki.fi