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Call for new iCAN subproject proposals 2025-2026 open now

The iCAN Flagship Project had a large call in 2022 for new subproject applications for the second term (2023 – 2026). In addition, 5 subprojects were initiated at the beginning of 2024.

The call to submit new subproject proposals for 2025-2026 is open now.  Part of the funding for this call comes from the University of Helsinki share for FICAN South project funding.

For new subproject proposals, resourcing from iCAN  will be limited to the specific areas listed below

-Proposals that leverage existing data on the iCAN Discovery Platform.
-Leveraging already collected samples or developed tools (PBMCs, liquid biopsies, etc).
-Proposals focusing on getting data back to patients and increasing and leveraging patient reported outcomes.
-Collaborative proposals with companies.

In addition, new proposed subprojects for which external funding is identified are welcome to apply.

The deadline for applications is August 20.

If you wish to discuss patient involvement with members of iCAN’s Patient and Citizen Advisory Board (POTKU) prior to submission in August, please contact ican-comms@helsinki.fi.

For further information and questions, please contact ican@helsinki.fi