Event information, photo of Nada Kalaany

iCAN science seminar on Metabolic Challenges and Therapeutic Opportunities in Pancreatic Cancer with Assoc. Prof. Nada Kalaany

Welcome to the iCAN science seminar with Associate Professor Nada Kalaany (Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital) on Metabolic Challenges and Therapeutic Opportunities in Pancreatic Cancer.

When: Wed 21.5.2025 at 13:30-14:30
Where: Biomedicum 1, seminar room 3, and online

Zoom-link (Meeting ID: 648 0498 6682 Passcode: 366409)

Host: Dr. Anna Vähärautio

Nada Kalaany received her PhD from UT Southwestern Medical Center (at Dallas, Texas), where she studied the role of nuclear hormone receptors in lipid metabolism. She completed her post-doctoral training in Cancer Metabolism at the Whitehead Institute at MIT where she identified a mechanism regulating the sensitivity of tumors to diet restriction. She is currently Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School, Boston Children’s Hospital where her lab focuses on identifying in vivo metabolic dependencies in cancers and understanding the metabolic crosstalk between tumors and their hosts.

Come early for a cup of coffee and pulla!

For more information on the science seminar series, please contact ican-comms@helsinki.fi