Event information, photo of Dr. Kuijjer smiling at the camera, logos of iCAN, HUS and UH

iCAN science seminar on Unlocking Cellular Complexity with Dr. Marieke Kuijjer

Warm welcome to iCAN science seminar!

Speaker: Dr. Marieke Kuijjer

Talk title: Unlocking Cellular Complexity: Multiomics Integration for Personalized Regulatory Networks

When: Wed 21.8. at 13:15-14:15
Where: Bridge Hospital, Seminar room 1, and online

Zoom-link (Meeting ID: 648 0498 6682 Passcode: 366409)

Mini-bio: Marieke Kuijjer is Group Leader of the Computational Biology and Systems Medicine group at the Center for Molecular Medicine Norway (NCMM), Nordic EMBL Partnership, University of Oslo, Norway, where she started in 2018. She received her PhD from Leiden University Medical Center (2013) and postdoctoral training at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Chan School of Public Health. Marieke’s research interests include development of network-based methods to integrate and analyze cancer data.

Dr. Kuijjer will take up the position of the Cancer Data Science Associate Professor at iCAN – Digital Precision Cancer Medicine, University of Helsinki.

For more information on the speaker, please see.

Come early for a cup of coffee!

If you have any questions on the seminar series, please contact ican@helsinki.fi.