Interested in the iCAN research project? Welcome to the webinar of the Finnish Cancer Patients Association

Interested in the iCAN research project? Welcome to the webinar of the Finnish Cancer Patients Association

A series of webinars on ongoing cancer research projects to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Finnish Cancer Society will start at the end of August. The first topic on Thursday 26 August from 16-17 is the flagship of digital personalised cancer medicine, iCAN.

During the webinar, iCAN Project Manager Leena Karhinen will present the research project, followed by a talk by iCAN Patient and Citizen Engagement Advisory Board Chair Matti Santalahti, followed by a talk by Research Director/Executive Director Professor Tomi Mäkelä.

The Finnish Cancer Patients Association is actively involved in the iCAN project, bringing a patient perspective to the design and implementation of the research.

To register for the webinar, click here. The webinar will be recorded, and registrants will receive a recording link to their email after the webinar. You can therefore register for the webinar even if you cannot attend. For more information about the event, please visit the Finnish Cancer Society website.
