Patients and researchers met at the Lung Cancer Awareness Month event

Patients and researchers met at the Lung Cancer Awareness Month event

Patients and researchers met at the Lung Cancer Awareness Month eventIn November, it is International Lung Cancer Awareness Month. At a patient-researcher meeting for lung cancer patients and their loved ones at Biomedicum on Tuesday 15 November from 17-19, they heard about the work of the research teams of Heidi Haikala, Ilkka Ilose and Emmy Verschuren. Participants were also given a tour of two laboratories.

Things to see on the lab tours

We visited the laboratory of the translational lung cancer research group at the Finnish Institute of Molecular Medicine (FIMM), located at Biomedicum 2 in Meilahti, Finland. Iris Lähdeniemi, Elissar Al Kazzi, Ceren Seref Vujaklija, Nora Linnavirta and Emmy Verschuren from the research team were present. Participants were able to see how the sample is first processed mechanically and enzymatically, how the magnet net cell separation method works, and how a robot dispenses cells for drug analysis.

Ceren and Nora demonstrated how to cut tissue blocks for histological staining.

Ceren and Nora demonstrated how to cut tissue blocks for histological staining.

Once the tissue blocks have been dissected and placed on histolayers, the tissue can be stained with different antibodies, for example for cancer markers. The image shows an example of a mouse lung cancer blot.

Once the tissue blocks have been dissected and placed on histolayers, the tissue can be stained with different antibodies, for example for cancer markers. The image shows an example of a mouse lung cancer blot.

Iris Lähdeniemi will present organoid staining results to the participants, which can be used to study the quality and cell type of organoid cultures. Caption by Iris Lähdeniemi.

Iris Lähdeniemi will present organoid staining results to the participants, which can be used to study the quality and cell type of organoid cultures. Caption by Iris Lähdeniemi.

We also had the chance to visit Haikalab. PhD researcher Bassel Alsaed introduced the participants to the secrets of pipetting and presented triple-cultured cancer samples (organoids).

PhD researcher Bassel Alsaed introduced the participants to the secrets of pipetting and presented triple-grown cancer samples (organoids).
PhD researcher Bassel Alsaed introduced the participants to the secrets of pipetting and presented triple-grown cancer samples (organoids).

The event was organised by the Finnish Cancer Patients Association, iCAN, HaikaLab, Happy Lungs Lab and FIMM Translational Lung Cancer Lab.

Lung cancer research in the Cancer Line podcast

Heidi Haikala and Ilkka Ilonen also visited the Finnish Cancer Patients Association’s Cancer Line podcast in November to talk about their own paths to becoming lung cancer researchers, and the challenges and opportunities of research.

Many thanks to all those who participated in the meeting and helped to organise it!

Photos by Inka Tuomisto/PSWFolders Ltd.