What: iCAN retreat is an internal iCAN meeting with a keynote talk by Fox Chase Cancer Center Director Jonathan Chernoff, PhD, presentations from the iCAN subprojects and affiliated studies, a poster session, and social activities. Come and share your research and strengthen your networks within the iCAN community!
When: Thursday 3.10.2024
Where: Hilton, Helsinki, Kalastajatorppa, Conference and Events Center, Kalastajatorpantie 1, 00330 HELSINKI, and online.
iCAN retreat is an internal event for iCAN Flagship Project researchers and board members, and the students of the doctoral education pilot iCANDOC.
Registration for onsite participation is closed.
You can register for the waiting list and remote participation using this link.
Please note that the preliminary program is subject to change
08:15 Registration opens, coffee & poster set-up
09:00 – 09:10 Opening of the retreat, iCAN Scientific Director Satu Mustjoki
09:10 – 09:15 Program and logistics, Elena Kremneva, organising committee chair
09:15 – 09:45 iCAN overview: iCAN National Program, iCANDOC, iCAN Discovery Platform, sample pipeline, Executive Officer Tomi Mäkelä
Patient and public involvement, Patient and Citizen Advisory Board/Marketta Liljeström, Coordinator
09:45 – 10:30 Keynote talk
Not all KRAS mutations are created equal, Director Jonathan Chernoff
Host: Markku Varjosalo
10:30 – 11:00 Break
Session 1: “Tumor profiling and preclinical models“
Chair: Pirjo Laakkonen and Elena Kremneva
iCAN subproject presentations (poster number after the name of the speaker)
11:00 – 11:15 Genomic subtypes of acute myeloid leukemia define sensitivity to NK cell cytotoxicity, Hanna Duàn (iCAN-IMMPROF) 3
11:15 – 11:30 Molecular profiling and ex vivo drug screening of soft tissue sarcomas, Piia-Riitta Karhemo (iCAN-RARE) 17
11.30 – 11:45 Leveraging single-cell information in treatment selection for hematological cancers and solid tumors, Mitro Miihkinen (iCAN-MULTIDRUG) 25
11:45 – 12:00 Precision approaches to combat drug resistance in non-small cell lung cancer, Heidi Haikala (iCAN-LUNG) 36
12:00 – 12:15 Unravelling diagnosis and personalized drug vulnerabilities in pediatric solid tumors – from bedside to bench and back, Vilja Pietiäinen (iCAN-PEDI) 37
12:15 – 12:45 3-minute poster teasers (poster number after the title)
Aparna Ganesan (iCANDOC): “Cross-platform comparison study of ddPCR and NGS-based technology (Geno1®) for the detection of KRAS mutations in liquid biopsies from metastatic colorectal cancer patients” 1
Joseph Saad (iCAN-HEMADRUG2): “Predictors of response and rational combinations for the novel MCL-1 inhibitor MIK665 in acute myeloid leukemia” 5
Susanna Holmström (iCANDOC): “FUSE – FUnctional SEgmentation of the methylome” 7
Jefim Brodkin (iCAN-PaCa): “Cell-type specific apoptotic priming patterns in pancreatic cancer stromal-tumor co-culture organoids” 8
Daniela Mendoza Ortiz (iCAN-HEMADRUG2): “Efficacy of the JAK2/FLT3 inhibitor pacritinib in NPM1 mutated acute myeloid leukemia” 9
Srividhya Sundaresar (iCAN-OVCA): “Unmasking a Potential Weakness : Leveraging Endogenous DNA damage in Homologous Recombination Proficient – High Grade Serous Carcinoma” 11
Jacopo Chiaro (iCAN-COMPORG): “Exploring Immunopeptidomics for Personalized Immunotherapy in Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma: Insights from the iCAN-Lung Cohort” 18
Yvonne Giannoula (iCANDOC): “Exploiting Cellular Senescence to Enhance Precision Oncolytic Immunotherapy” 20
12:45 – 13:45 Lunch
13:45 Group photo
Greetings from the University of Helsinki
14:00 – 14:30 Vice-rector Anne Portaankorva
Session 2: “Towards clinical trials”
Chairs: Toni Seppälä and Julia Kolikova
14:30 – 14:45 3-minute poster teasers (poster number after the title)
Gantugs Atarsaikhan (iCAN-DIP): “iCAN-DIP: AI-Driven Deep Image-Based Profiling of Pan-Cancer Tumor Microenvironment” 22
Pauliina Filppu (iCAN-BRAIN): “Modulation of tumor microenvironment by malignant brain tumors” 23
Salvatore Russo (iCAN-COMPORG): “Omics Integration for Enhanced Peptide Discovery for Cancer Immunotherapy” 26
Sanna Pikkusaari (iCAN-OVCA): “Challenging the paradigm of CCNE1 amplification as a poor-prognosis biomarker in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma” 27
Alexey Ryzhenkov (iCAN-SHARE): “Harmonizing and visualizing clinical lung cancer data for robust evidence generation in local and network studies” 28
iCAN subproject presentations (poster number after the name of the speaker)
14:45 – 15:00 CDK4/6 Inhibitor Palbociclib Induces Blast Cell Differentiation and Death in Acute Myeloid Leukemia, Rhiannon Newman (iCAN-HEMADRUG2) 14
15:00 – 15:15 Stratification of B-cell lymphoma patients using circulating tumor DNA risk profiles: an iCAN-LBTRIAL subproject, Maare Arffman (iCAN-LBTRIAL) 42
15:15 – 15:45 3-minute poster teasers (poster number after the title)
Romika Kumari (iCAN-DPM): “A Comprehensive Clinical Decision Support Tool: integrative Molecular Tumor Board” 29
Samuel Leppiniemi (iCANDOC): “Identifying genetic variants explaining variation in gene expression data in high-grade serous carcinoma patients” 30
Prima Sanjaya (iCAN-DPM): “Mutation-Attention 2: joint tumour type and subtype classification using deep learning on somatic variants of 14,527 tumour whole genomes” 31
Michaela Feodoroff (iCAN-COMPORG): “Functional Precision Medicine for Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma – from omics data and drug testing of patient -derived ex vivo models to clinical translation” 33
Daniyar Karabayev (iCAN-EDECA): “Cell-free DNA methylation signatures for diffuse large B-cell lymphoma subtyping with whole-genome enzymatic methyl sequencing” 39
Joona Jäntti (iCANDOC/iCAN-OCVA): “Single Cell Readable Signal Recording System” 41
J. Rene Wong (iCANDOC/iCAN-OVCA): “Analysis and machine-learning based prediction of cellular adaptation during ovarian cancer treatment” 40
Kerttu Kalander (iCAN-CART): “Host response in large B-cell lymphoma patients treated with CAR-T cell therapy” 43
15:45 – 17:15 POSTER SESSION
Coffee served during the poster session
Posters without teasers (poster number after the title):
Oussama Krami Senhaji (iCAN-OVCA): “Impact of bacteria on DNA damage in high grade serous ovarian carcinoma” 2
Narges Moradi (iCAN-LUNG): “Next-generation Lung Cancer Therapy: Harnessing Tumor specific Immune Effects for Improved Outcomes” 4
Minttu Polso (iCAN-PEDI): “Functional Precision Medicine Uncovers New Drug Vulnerabilities in Adult Wilms’ Tumor with Personalized Therapy Approaches” 6
Gabriella Antignani (iCAN-COMPORG): “Development of Patient-Derived Tumor Organoids (PDTOs) as preclinical testing platform for personalized cancer immunotherapy” 12
Katri Maljanen (iCAN-DPM): “Modeling effects of the epigenome on somatic variant formation” 15
Laura Langohr (iCAN-IRICAN): “Single cell transcriptome analysis on ERCC6L2 disease patients’ bone marrow samples” 16
Anu Anil (iCAN-OVCA): “Unveiling the hidden threat: Pre-existing polypoid giant cancer cells and therapy resistance in high-grade serous ovarian cancer” 21
Johannes Smolander (iCAN-IMMPROF): “The spectrum of clonal hematopoiesis mutations in blood and tumor samples identified from iCAN whole-exome sequencing data” 24
Michaela Feodoroff (iCAN-COMPORG): “Adenoviruses Encoding Cytokines Enhance T-cell Infiltration in Renal Cell Carcinoma Tumors” 32
Bassel Alsaed (iCAN-LUNG): “Ex vivo modeling of precision immuno-oncology responses in lung cancer” 34
Isabel Mogollon (iCAN-COMPORG): “Advancing our understanding of cancer heterogeneity through 3D imaging: single-cell profiling of renal cancer co-cultures using deep learning” 35
Alexey Ryzhenkov (iCAN-SHARE): “Detecting and describing stem-cell-like tumor cell populations in NSCLC single-cell data using machine learning” 38
iCAN pipeline, Marion Henriksson 44
iCAN National Program, Satu Koskinen 45
Patient and Public Involvement in iCAN, Patient and citizen Advisory Board POTKU 46
Session 3 “Omics approaches and data platform”
Chair: Kimmo Porkka
iCAN subproject presentations (poster number after the name of the speaker)
17:15 – 17:30 Comprehensive drug profiling and CRISPR screening reveal essential pathways for NK cell cytotoxicity, Jonas Bouhlal (iCAN-IMMPROF) 10
17:30 – 17:45 Functional precision medicine approach to identify novel treatment strategies for pediatric sarcomas, Sara Kuusela (iCAN-PEDI) 13
17:45 – 18:00 iCAN SHARE – Swarm Learning for predictive modelling: infrastructure development and a first use case, Eric Fey (iCAN-SHARE) 19
18:00 – 18:20 Closing remarks & poster awards (SIAB)
18:30 – Dinner & evening program
We are delighted to have the Surplus Joy Quintet providing music during dinner and the evening’s festivities.
Our partners
Organising committee: Elena Kremneva (chair), Julia Kolikova, Pirjo Laakkonen, Sakari Vanharanta, Markku Varjosalo
iCAN core: Helene Wahl, Satu Sankkila, Marketta Liljeström
We are happy to answer your questions at ican-retreat@helsinki.fi