Subproject PIs
Tumor Profiling and Preclinical Models

Lauri Aaltonen
iCAN-LUMI: Improved management of uterine leiomyoma

Eero Castrén
iCAN-PLASTICITY: Plasticity in oncogenesis: harnessing cancer plasticity to improve therapeutic response

Vincenzo Cerullo
iCAN-COMPORG: Towards clinically relevant assays and translational utility

Anniina Färkkilä
iCAN-OVCA: Single-cell spatial immunogenomic profiling for precision oncology in ovarian cancer

Ilkka Ilonen
iCAN-LUNG: Thoracic oncology: new frontiers for personalized immuno-oncologic therapy

Minna Koskenvuo
iCAN-PEDI: Life-long longitudinal study of childhood cancer patients for personalized health

Pirjo Laakkonen
iCAN-BRAIN: Translating the dialogue between tumor stroma and cancer cells into therapeutic opportunities

Outi Monni
iCAN-RARE: Advancing ex vivo drug testing and precision oncology of rare tumors
Satu Mustjoki
iCAN-IMMPROF: Functional immunological profiling: combination of cellular therapies and immune modulating drugs in primary patient samples
Esa Pitkänen
iCAN-FREECAN: Multimodal profiling of cell-free DNA for precision cancer medicine; iCAN-DPM: Data Platform Management including MuMaLe, DB, and MTB
Pauli Puolakkainen
iCAN-GC: Role of the tumor subtype and microenvironment in the growth and therapy resistance of gastric cancer
Tuula Salo
iCAN-ORACAN: Personalized cancer medicine assays for oral cancers
Hanna Seppänen
iCAN-PaCa: Pancreatic cancer – New developments in diagnostics, biology and treatment
Sakari Vanharanta
iCAN-REGU: Integrative regulatory genome analysis for precision cancer medicine
Markku Varjosalo
iCAN-DETECT: Decoding tumor signatures through proteomics technology
Towards clinical trials
Andrea Ganna
iCAN-EDECA: Feasibility of high-performance methylation sequencing (EM-seq) of cell-free DNA for early cancer detection from routinely collected biobank samples
Caroline Heckman
iCAN-HEMADRUG2: Understanding and targeting non-mutational drug resistance in blood cancer
Sirpa Leppä
iCAN-LBTRIAL: Liquid biopsy–guided therapy in lymphomas and advanced solid tumors
Nina Mars
iCAN-GERPROG-BREAST: Germline genetic risk in prognosis of solid malignancies
Päivi Ojala
iCAN-CART: Deep profiling to understand and improve Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy for haematological cancers
Toni Seppälä
iCAN-PANORG-HEMOPRO: Heavy molecular profiling for clinical decision-making in advanced colorectal cancer
Omics approaches and data platform
Tero Aittokallio
iCAN-MULTIDRUG: Platform for identification of multi-drug combinations targeting tumor-stromal cell interactions in solid tumors at single-cell resolution
Ping Chen
iCAN-SPLICE: Unveiling the regulation of alternative splicing in human cancers
Andrew Erickson
iCAN-URO: Spatial Characterization of Cancer Biologies
Sampsa Hautaniemi
iCAN-INTERVIZ: Interactive visualization of large-scale genomic data in iCAN
Johan Lundin
iCAN-AIDX: Artificial intelligence deep learning system for personalized patient predictions
Mikko Myllymäki
iCAN-CHIP: The spectrum of clonal hematopoiesis and therapy outcomes in cancer
Hanna Olllila
iCAN-CHRONO: Chronobiology in cancer - Circadian, seasonal and temporal analysis of cancer risk
Lassi Paavolainen
iCAN-DIP: AI-driven deep image-based profiling of pan-cancer tumor microenvironment
Vilja Pietiäinen
iCAN-iMTB: Integrative Molecular Tumor Board (iMTB) for Precision Diagnostics and Pan-Cancer Omics Analysis
Esa Pitkänen
iCAN-FREECAN: Multimodal profiling of cell-free DNA for precision cancer medicine; iCAN-DPM: Data Platform Management including MuMaLe, DB, and MTB
Kimmo Porkka
iCAN-SHARE: Enabling global cancer data sharing networks for federated learning