iCAN patient cooperation continues to be active

iCAN patient cooperation continues to be active

iCAN’s Patient and Citizen Engagement Advisory Board (POTKU) held its second regular meeting on Friday 28 August.

Patient involvement and patient organisations play a major role in the iCAN flagship. The aim is for patients to be actively involved in the design and development of trials. To further this goal, iCAN established a Patient and Civic Engagement Advisory Board, which started its work in spring 2020.

The role of the Advisory Board is to develop patient and citizen involvement in the iCAN flagship and its research projects, to brainstorm and create approaches for involvement, to act as a link between patient citizens, researchers and other stakeholders, and to propose concrete actions to promote involvement.

The second meeting discussed current funding applications to the Academy of Finland and the importance of national cooperation in the field of precision medicine research. The members of POTKU attach importance to equality and increased cooperation between regional actors. The meeting discussed, among other things, the importance of the launch of the National Cancer Centre (FICAN) for both patients and research cooperation.